miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Websites for ELT

We know nowadays the internet is where most of our resources come from, nevertheless not every site on the web is trustworthy, we've given ourselves to the task of analyzing a webpage and provide you with the results and information needed so you can decide for yourselves if you want to use it.

ESL GAMES PLUS offers interactive online games for learning and teaching English as a Second Language, the content is mostly for children, nevertheless it provides exercises for all levels; Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

This website was created by KISITO FUTONGE, a Professor and creator of several sites likes this, with the purpose of teaching a language (French, Chinese, English).

This site comes from a bigger site where other resources and information are provided specifically for teachers, nevertheless this particular site is aimed not only for teachers to use on young learners but also some of the resources are able to be applied for older students.

Another quality of this site is its inter-phase, easy to manipulate even by a child, colourful, clear and to the point. This website was created in 2005 and its updated constantly by experts, in case of any doubt or problem with the site you can always contact them.

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